Baby daddy or wait on Jesus?

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a smidgen case of baby fever. I even imagine sometimes what it will be like to have a cute little girl to dress up. But the longer I’m single, I start to wonder if I’ll ever be a mother before my eggs are completely scrambled! 

As a Christian I know that God hears our prayers and will give us the desires of our hearts in His Time, but sometimes the human side of me kicks in and I have serious doubts. So, lately I’ve been thinking, maybe I should just find a guy (a really hot one) to go half on a baby with. Would it really be so bad to be a single mom? Blame it on my inner Olivia Pope, but I just always want to fix things. And I want to fix this situation badly! 

But then I’m reminded that faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things unseen. In knowing that and most importantly believing, I know that the answer to my prayers are on the way. But goodness sometimes I really wish I could speed things up!

And just for the cuteness factor, I saw this pic yesterday and it’s just the cutest thing ever! Hope my future boo doesn’t mind dressing up to match the kid if it’s a boy! 

12 thoughts on “Baby daddy or wait on Jesus?

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  1. I wanted a family but didn’t happen in my first marriage and now i pushing into my mid 40’s and still want the family. I was like shoot i will find me a nice lady and we go, like you say “half on a baby”. But I’m reminded of what happened when I rushed Iinto a marriage not waiting on God and well , im divorced…anyways very nice blog Kindra. I’m is waiting, but still on the lookout for me life partner, she out there somewhere.


    1. Thanks for the comment Paul! She’s out there somewhere, keep hope alive! Being impatient & rushing…yep been there done that too and I’m not trying to be the Liz Taylor of Charlotte racking up marriages so #2 has gotta last, so I think waiting on Jesus is the best answer!


  2. It gets easier. I’ve had moments when I just want a baby, but then I think about the single parents that I know and their constant struggle because of it. I’ll wait for God to answer it. #blmgirl


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